"Cowardice asks the question...is it safe? Expediency asks the question...is it politic? Vanity asks the question...is it popular? But conscience asks the question...is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular but one must take it because it is right." ~Dr. Martin Luther King

Saturday 12 July 2014

The time of reckoning is almost upon us.

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Stupid is as stupid does":

I think Mayor Dawe has done a decent job, particularly for a newbie. I didn't envy him trying to lead a Council with three recalcitrant Morrisites, as well as having to deal with other obstreperous and dimwitted members.

Posted by Anonymous to Our Town and Its Business at 12 July 2014 10:54


The function of a Mayor as spelled out in the  Municipal  Act is to provide. Leadership and Guidance to council.

Candidates do not choose the Council.  Principal skill required is to work with people one might never  associate with otherwise.

It is what people expect.It is entirely realistic and obvious.

All that's required is to respect the people's  choice. If you can't ,you are a hopeless case.

If   Leadership doesn't come from the Chair, it doesn't come from anywhere.

The  sentiment expressed  in the comment astounds me. It illustrates appalling ignorance of the process.

Mayor Dawe  started without experience and hostility towards him.It was not going to be easy.

He was advised but he never understood. He chose a different route.He squandered  an amazing opportunity.

He needed to establish  he could be trusted. He did exactly the opposite.

He will be measured on the basis of his performance.

There can be no excuses.


Anonymous said...

He was advised for a short period by a handful of knowledgeable people. Then he went his own way. They ceased to be involved. Very sad.

Anonymous said...

Like with any rear-view mirror, things may not appear as they really are. Your perception differs greatly from mine - I think Mayor Dawe is a trustworthy person.

Anonymous said...

Evelyn... I think we're all in agreement. But what exactly is our alternative? Gallo?...Ah... I don't think so!

Anonymous said...

There is still plenty of time left. I do not think we have seen all the candidates for councillor yet. For the job of mayor that's probably it.

Anonymous said...

It's much easier to write or say your words; altogether a different kettle of fish when dealing with the reality.

You are writing/speaking with the benefit of some 40 years in public life. I doubt if you were as astute at the beginning of that time as you are today.

If you go according to the Municipal Act, or any piece of legislation for that matter, you will eventually encounter bumps in the road. As an example take our Prime Minister - if only you would. and dispose of him somewhere - and the disastrous appointment last year of someone to fill a vacancy on the Supreme Court. This is a man with at that time seven years as this country's LEADER and he was attempting to demonstrate his ability in that regard.

Which turned into a complete joke, a very serious and unfunny one, where the then eight members of the Supreme Court told the great LEADER that he had screwed up, look elsewhere, get with it!

And from all reports he is not very good at providing GUIDANCE, but rather issuing orders.

I'm not trying to defend Mayor Dawe. He will have to do that himself.

But I do find your barbs on occasion to be more the sense of your own frustration with your fellows at the council table, and if I were in your position I would probably feel the same while handling my frustration worse than you handle yours.

It makes little sense for people to seek a council seat on a small town's political administration unless they truly feel they can make a positive contribution. Attending bake sales and ribbon cutting ceremonies must become tiresome, even for the most dull card in the deck.

Anonymous said...

Evelyn - you are just a couple words away from another law suit - you know, the law suit that Gallo agreed to continue to fund with our, the taxpayers money ......... how soon we forget - the difference is that you can say just about anything (and you have) about Mayor Dawe, and he would never do what was done to you ... a little respect please, you seem to be digging yourself in to a hole come election time ..... i just hope you run for Mayor, now that would definitely change your tune!

Anonymous said...

You seem to be forgetting how blogs assisted the current mayor in unseating the former.

Anonymous said...

Granted, 08:54, but I think she did a good job of that all by herself.