"Cowardice asks the question...is it safe? Expediency asks the question...is it politic? Vanity asks the question...is it popular? But conscience asks the question...is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular but one must take it because it is right." ~Dr. Martin Luther King

Wednesday 9 April 2014

You Can't Fake It on Television

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "The Emerald Ash Borer...the Ice Storm... ,,and Ot...":

The Director didn't verify your numbers - where did you get them.

Posted by Anonymous to Our Town and Its Business at 9 April 2014 14


Simple .... a phone call to the parks department . They look after  street trees as well as trees in the parks. 

 Mr. Tree  completed  his  report and submitted it to the Director yesterday. 

I called the parks department in the afternoon and they answered  my questions. Staff do that. 
They are there to help.

The Director probably hadn't time to read a  report just  forwarded. Nothing sinister about that. 

In the past...you know, antediluvian....Councillors did their digging before a meeting.

Wise ones came to a meeting prepared to debate matters to be decided.  Not so wise or less curious would  listen, say little, or  simply echo one or other  of the mouthy ones who really wanted to be heard.

I have no  apologies to make.

Endless  questioning of staff  to get a handle on an issue before taking a position was not de rigeur.

A formal meeting  of  Modern Aurora Council doesn't remotely resemble  a debate.

Hasn't done for years.

More has been forgotten than learned. . Sad to say.

It's the source of  my dilemma . If the majority were to acknowledge I know what I'm talking about. it would naturally follow, they don't.

Internecine  struggle goes on all the time.

It may have something to do with personalities of people who  are attracted to politics.

It may be about performing in a glass bowl with  the feeling people expect  total
competence in all things at all times.

Most  don't . People identify with Councillors. Most  would like to do what we do but  shudder at the thought .

They just want us to do our best and be honest and true.

Television magnifies.  Artifice fails.   Fakery is impossible.


Anonymous said...

This Council refers matters, defers matters and spends money.

It is very good at the latter and a good portion is wasted.

Anonymous said...

There was some splitting of groups visible. Some small surprises, none of them positive for the town.

Anonymous said...

Christopher - giggle, giggle.

Anonymous said...

Which example of plagerism are you referring to?

Anonymous said...

Not jealously, just trying to keep reality in check. Sometimes the "wit" is not always original thought.

Miss Speller said...

Oh, I don't know, 07:30 seems to have something in common with the giggle-inducer.

Anonymous said...

We cannot be expected to accept that you could do a better job of combining information with a grin.

Anonymous said...

People will continue to read Mr Watts & use what they wish from his material. As far as I know, we are all capable of making our own decisions.
The Watts basher simply draws attention to that Blog.