"Cowardice asks the question...is it safe? Expediency asks the question...is it politic? Vanity asks the question...is it popular? But conscience asks the question...is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular but one must take it because it is right." ~Dr. Martin Luther King

Wednesday 16 April 2014

Look Out World,,, Here we come

We had an ice storm in December.  Everyone acknowledges it was the worst in living memory.

Trees and branches laden with ice cracked and fell and were immediately frozen to the ground and for several weeks added ice encased them and  snow covered them .

The winter continued ...on an on.

Finally in April, ice receded and  the full extent of  disaster  is exposed.

Weeks pass and  there is no indication of collection of what now constitutes yard waste.

A  question  at last night's committee meeting elicited no plans.

Other than the  explanation of a collection in January.

I knew about that.Debris by then was mounded under the snow and
stuck fast in ice.  No possibility of collection.

It was a critical time and more than enough criticism flying about. I said nothing.

But now.

Now we are engaged in a  frenzied  plan  involving  a committed giveaway of millions  to attract a
university campus .

While we apparently have no plan to deal with debris from the worst ice storm  in living memory

Basic service is not  available but Oh My ...we are movers and shakers and practitioners in the high -wire  world of academe...with millions to scatter  about on the path to fame and fortune.


Anonymous said...

I am just grateful that York plans to make its decision fairly swiftly. This should not become a campaign issue clouding the rest of the term. Heck, I do not even understand what happened to the much-touted Fab Lab.

Anonymous said...

Realizing that this is all hush-hush, are we allowed to know if this " vision " involves any more property than the Hallmark site ?

Anonymous said...

So can I put out my brokwn branches next week?

Anonymous said...

12:58, regular yard waste pick-up started last week.

Anonymous said...

The behaviour of the majority of this council reminds me a children playing in a sandbox.

Once they master the intricacy of sand they graduate to LEGO.

But that's as far as they progress.


Anonymous said...

Parks & Town Clean-up this weekend.
Nothing for residents except regular yard waste & none of that on Friday.

Anonymous said...

Was Brock Weir at the meeting ? The Auroran was down for maintenance and now has last week's issue.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to know what the total $ of this "bid" cost us. Planners, consultants, studies and of course staffs time. I'm sure there was a number of those on the sunshine list that burned the midnight oil on this pet project.

Anonymous said...

The bids were due on the 17th. Perhaps once that is past, the humble taxpayers can be told what Aurora has offered. Or " gifted " or whatever terminology is offered ?

Anonymous said...

Yeah, well. it is going to be costly. He is going to have to get all the ads for his election event at the Mansion reprinted. And heaven help him when people find out who is supplying the entertainment. Silly sod.

Anonymous said...

"And heaven help him when people find out who is supplying the entertainment."

Yeah, if he keeps shooting himself in the foot, Mayor Dawe will hardly have to campaign.